News / Downloads 

Kartell Labware Product Catalogue

Kartell Labware Product Catalogue - cointains info on all of Kartell's products including descriptions & specifications + MORE
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Kartell Labware Technical Manual 

Kartell Labware Technical Manual  - cointains details on the abbreviations, temperature and chemical resistance of plastics used by Kartell + MORE
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Kartell Labware CERTIFICATION ISO 9001: 2015

CISQ is part of IQNET (International Certification Network), a supranational body which guarantees mutual recognition of the ISO standard in countries worldwide. The attainment and maintenance of this certification, made possible by the commitment and perseverance of all company offices involved, testifies to the continued research into ever higher levels of quality in company management systems. In 2017, Kartell updated its certification standard to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.
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Kartell Labware CERTIFICATION ISO 14001: 2015

In 2011 Kartell achieved UNI EN ISO 14001: 2004 certification for its support of an effective Environmental Management System, an international standard recognised throughout the world and developed about 10 years ago which defines development and implementation parameters in corporate processes in order to achieve an effective environmental management system. In 2017, Kartell adapted the certification standard to UNI EN ISO 14001:2015.
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Sterilization of the all glass syringes

The procedure for cleaning and sterilization of the syringes to prevent damage or cross conamination 
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